What is the difference between someone who attains their dreams versus those that just don’t seem to be able to get what they want in life? Self-confidence.
For, you need the self-confidence to trust yourself when you hit the challenges of building your dreams. And, the good news is that you can attain self-confidence if you take the right steps:
1) Relax and laugh at your anomalies, but don’t doubt your decisions.
2) Accept that “whatever happens”, you will be okay.
3) Write a list of everything you do well (even the “little” things) and focus on these strengths.
4) Stop doing your own “self-hypnosis” by imagining the worse. Instead, use self-hypnosis to imagine how you will feel when you are moving through life confidently, with focus.
5) Stop the continual analysis paralysis and just jump in. The more real steps you take towards your dream, the more self-confidence you will have.
6) Write a story about a very self-confident person leading your life successfully - then become that person.
7) People are born self-confident and have to learn fear of failure, feelings of uselessness, and self-doubt. If you can learn to have a lack of self-confidence, you can learn to have self-confidence and reclaim that self-confidence you were born with.
"The essence of self-confidence is having faith not only in your own abilities but also in your own potential."